The Commander Yehuda Ben-tzur
The Maritime History Of The Struggle For Israel's Independence
[ Aliya Bet - clandestine immigration, Rekhesh - arms procurement and smuggling of arms to Israel ]

Aliya Bet
The Palyam
The Palyam
Ha'Mossad Le'Aliya Bet
Ha'Mossad Le'Aliya Bet
The Gideons
Naval Sabotage
Naval Sabotage
Arm Ships
The Arms Ships
Veterans Tell Their Stories
Veterans' Stories
MACHAL - Volunteers From Abroad
The Birth of the Israeli Navy
The Birth of the Israeli Navy
Arrests & Detentions
Arrests & Detentions
Land Warfare
Land Warfare
Foundation Setters
Foundation Setters
Palyam & Aliya Bet Songs
Palyam & Aliya Bet Songs
Remember The Fallen
Remember The Fallen
Hagana Ship Theodor Hertzl in Haifa port after her interception by the British
The protest of the ma'apilim aboard the 'Theodor Hertzl' against the British

The Hagana ship The Jewish State
The Palyam boats in Caesarea
MACHAL - Aliya Bet
Hagana Ship Theodor Hertzl in Haifa port after her interception by the British
Ma'apilim from 'Exodus': again in Germany behind barbed wire, again defiant
תפסק הפקרת החטופים

“People who don’t respect their past have dull present and uncertain future”, Yigal Alon

Recently published (click on article name):
(1) The Palyam - Servant and Samurai of Aliya Bet
(2) The story of Dromit (Kefalos): smuggling arms from the USA & Mexico to Israel
(3) The arms and Gachal ship 'Altalena'
(4) The story of Lenny Sklar, a volunteer aboard the Exodus
(5) The affair of The Pan Ships
(6) The story of David Gotllieb, a volunteer aboard the Josiah Wedgwood
(7) Details of Aliya Bet voyages after WW-II
(8) Aliya Bet During WW II: The Episode of the Vessel “Lili”
(9) Aliya of American Pioneers, 1939-48
(10) In Remembrance: Aliya Bet & The Palyam
(11) Captain Steve tells his story
(12) Golda Meir tells the story of the early release of 2,000 babies with their parents from the Cyprus detention camps
(13) The Tragic Story of Hagana Ship Rafiah
(14) A criticism of the movie "Waves of Freedom"
(15) The saga of Shlomo Reichmann, a 10 day-old "Illegal" Immigrant on board the Rafiah
(16) The La Spezia Affair, 1946
(17) The Czechoslovak Arms Deals
(18) The Procurement Enterprise & The Arms Ships
(19) Mario Kenda - An Italian Ally In The Clandestine Immigration and Arms Procurement Enterprises

Recomended documentary:
Nous etions l'Exodus
We Were Exodus
(film de Jean-Michel Vecchiet)
The Pledge by Leonard Slater
Recomended book:
The Pledge
By: Leonard Slater
The campaign to equip the people of Israel with arms
I F Stone
Recomended book:
Underground To Palestine
By: I. F. Stone
Exodus 1947
Recomended book:
Exodus 1947 - The Ship That Launched A Nation
By: Ruth Gruber
The story of Dromit
Recomended book:
The Odyssey of the Ship with Three Names
(Kefalos - Pinzon - Dromit)
By: Renato Barahona
Click here for a comprehensive list of books (in Hebrew, but includes English titles)

באתר מפורסמים סיפורים אישיים רבים; אין למערכת האתר אפשרות לאמת את כל פרטיהם ולכן הכתוב בהם באחריות בלעדית של כותביהם.

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